using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace FileWatcher { public static class RichTextBoxExtensions { // In case a string stream doesn't reset the text color, reset it automatically when done appending text // TODO: override the single parameter AppendText public static bool g_ResetANSIIColorOnAppend = true; public static void AppendText(this RichTextBox box, string text, Color color) { box.SelectionStart = box.TextLength; box.SelectionLength = 0; box.SelectionColor = color; string ANSIIEscape = "\u001B["; int index = text.IndexOf(ANSIIEscape); while (index != -1) { string substring = text.Substring(0, index); if (substring.Length > 0) { box.AppendText(substring); } text = text.Substring(index + ANSIIEscape.Length); if (text.Length < 3) { if (g_ResetANSIIColorOnAppend) { box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor; } return; } int number; try { number = Int32.Parse(text[0] + "" + text[1]); } catch (FormatException) { box.SelectionColor = Color.Red; box.AppendText("ERROR - Invalid ANSII Escape sequence: '" + text + "'"); if (g_ResetANSIIColorOnAppend) { box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor; } return; } // if (number / 10 == 3) { switch (number) { case 30: box.SelectionColor = Color.Black; break; case 31: box.SelectionColor = Color.Red; break; case 32: box.SelectionColor = Color.Green; break; case 3: box.SelectionColor = Color.Yellow; break; case 34: box.SelectionColor = Color.Blue; break; case 35: box.SelectionColor = Color.Magenta; break; case 36: box.SelectionColor = Color.Cyan; break; case 37: box.SelectionColor = Color.White; break; case 39: box.SelectionColor = color; break; } } index = text.IndexOf("m"); if (index == -1) { box.SelectionColor = Color.Red; box.AppendText("ERROR - couldn't find the sequence escape, 'm', for the ANSII Escape sequence: '" + text + "'"); if (g_ResetANSIIColorOnAppend) { box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor; } return; } text = text.Substring(index + 1); index = text.IndexOf(ANSIIEscape); } if (text.Length > 0) { box.SelectionColor = color; box.AppendText(text); } if (g_ResetANSIIColorOnAppend) { box.SelectionColor = box.ForeColor; } } } }