jQuery(document).ready(function () { var commentForm = $(document).find('.comments-form'); var commentSection = $(document).find('.comments').first(); var commentAlert = commentForm.closest('.alert'); //var newMedia; //hide form, show link commentForm.hide(); $(document).find('.comment-add-new').show(); //get template for inserting new comments /* $.ajax({ url: '/media_template.php', method: 'GET', dataType: 'html', success: function (data) { newMedia = data; } }); */ $('body').on('click', '.comment-add-new-sadf', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); alert('asdf'); $('span').stop().css('opacity', 1).text('myName = ' + e.name).fadeIn(30).fadeOut(1000); }); //show comment form above comments section (new comment thread) $('body').on('click', '.comment-add-new', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); //commentForm.hide(1000); //commentSection.before(commentForm); $(this).before(commentForm); commentForm.show('slow'); //$(this).slideUp(); }); //show comment form below selected comment (reply to existing comment) $('body').on('click', '.comment-add-reply', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var media = $(this).closest('.comment'); commentForm.hide(); media.find('>.comment-body>.comment-text').after(commentForm); commentForm.show('slow'); }); // Attach a submit handler to the form $(commentForm).on('submit', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); // Get some values from elements on the page: //var term = $(this).find( "input[name='s']" ).val(); //var data = $(this).serializeArray(); var data = $(this).serialize(); console.log("Form Data (submit)", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))); //var url = $(this).attr( "action" ); var url = '/nested-comments'; var parentId = 0; if ($(this).parents('.comment').length > 0) { parentId = $(this).closest('.comment').attr('data-Id'); } // Send the data using post //var posting = $.post(url, { parentId: parentId, data: data }, null, 'json'); var posting = $.post(url, data + '&parentID=' + parentId, null, 'json'); //$.post( "test.php", $( "#testform" ).serialize() ); // Put the results in a div posting.done(function (response) { alert('success'); console.log("Response Data (done)", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response))); //response = JSON.parse(response); var message = response.status ? response.message : 'Error: ' + response.message; commentForm.after(commentAlert); commentAlert.empty().append(message); if (!response.status) { return; } if (response.status) { var newMedia = `
user icon


{{'PLUGIN_COMMENTS.WRITTEN_ON'|t}} {{comment.date|e}} {{'PLUGIN_COMMENTS.BY'|t}} {{comment.author}}
`; newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.id}}', response.id); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.level|e}}', response.level); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.email|trim|lower|md5}}', response.hash); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{parent_id}}', response.data.parent_id); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.title}}', response.data.title); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.text}}', response.data.text); newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.author}}', response.data.name); //newMedia = newMedia.replace('{{comment.date|e}}', response.data.name); if ($( "div[data-Id='" + response.data.parent_id + "']" ).length > 0) { $( "div[data-Id='" + response.data.parent_id + "']" ).first().after(newMedia); } else { $( "div.comments" ).last().prepend(newMedia); } //phpComment.commentForm.before(newMedia); //phpComment.titleField.val(""); //phpComment.bodyField.val(""); } setTimeout(function () { commentForm.hide(3000); }, 5000); }); posting.fail(function (status, error, title) { alert('error'); console.log("Response Data (fail)", JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(status))); commentForm.after(commentAlert); commentAlert.empty().append("


"); commentAlert.append("

" + status + "

"); commentAlert.append("

" + error + "

"); commentAlert.append("

" + title + "

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