# Grav Comments Plugin The **Comments Plugin** for [Grav](http://github.com/getgrav/grav) adds the ability to add comments to pages, and moderate them. # Installation The Comments plugin is easy to install with GPM. ``` $ bin/gpm install comments ``` Or clone from GitHub and put in the `user/plugins/comments` folder. # Usage Add `{% include 'partials/comments.html.twig' with {'page': page} %}` to the template file where you want to add comments. For example, in Antimatter, in `templates/item.html.twig`: ```twig {% embed 'partials/base.html.twig' %} {% block content %} {% if config.plugins.breadcrumbs.enabled %} {% include 'partials/breadcrumbs.html.twig' %} {% endif %}
{% include 'partials/blog_item.html.twig' with {'blog':page.parent, 'truncate':false} %}
{% include 'partials/comments.html.twig' with {'page': page} %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} ``` The comment form will appear on the blog post items matching the enabled routes. To set the enabled routes, create a `user/config/plugins/comments.yaml` file, copy in it the contents of `user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml` and edit the `enable_on_routes` and `disable_on_routes` options according to your needs. > Make sure you configured the "Email from" and "Email to" email addresses in the Email plugin with your email address! # Enabling Recaptcha The plugin comes with Recaptcha integration. To make it work, create a `user/config/plugins/comments.yaml` file, copy in it the contents of `user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml` and uncomment the capthca form field and the captcha validation process. Make sure you add your own Recaptcha `site` and `secret` keys too. # Where are the comments stored? In the `user/data/comments` folder. They're organized by page route, so every page with a comment has a corresponding file. This enabled a quick load of all the page comments. # Visualize comments When the plugin is installed and enabled, the `Comments` menu will appear in the Admin Plugin. From there you can see all the comments made in the last 7 days. Further improvements to the comments visualization will be added in the next releases. # Email notifications The plugin interacts with the Email plugin to send emails upon receiving a comment. Configure the Email plugin correctly, setting its "Email from" and "Email to" email addresses. # Things still missing - Allow to delete comments from the Admin Plugin - Ability to see all comments of a page in the Admin Plugin - Ability to reply to a comment from the Admin Plugin - Auto-fill the comment form when a user is logged in