# Grav Data Manager Plugin The **Comments Plugin** for [Grav](http://github.com/getgrav/grav) adds the ability to add comments to pages, and moderate them. | IMPORTANT!!! This plugin is currently in development as is to be considered a **beta release**. As such, use this in a production environment **at your own risk!**. More features will be added in the future. # Installation The Data plugin is easy to install with GPM. ``` $ bin/gpm install comments ``` Or clone from GitHub and put in the `user/plugins/comments` folder. # TODO - Create inferface (with Form?) to allow people to submit a comment to a Page - Store and email the comment to the emails configured (default to all with admin.super) - Enable by default on all Pages - Allow to enable on some taxonomies or page types only - Allow some pages to disable comments - Admin interface to moderate comments - Add ACL permissions so users can moderate comments in admin