
144 lines
4.8 KiB

{% if grav.twig.enable_comments_plugin %}
{% set scope = scope ?: 'data.' %}
{% if grav.twig.pingbacks_enabled %}
{% if grav.twig.pingbacks|length %}
{% set comments_visible = false %}
{% for pingback in grav.twig.pingbacks %}
{% if pingback.approved == "true" %}
{% set comments_visible = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if comments_visible %}
{% for pingback in grav.twig.pingbacks %}
{% if pingback.approved == "true" %}
<article id="pingback-{{loop.index0}}" class="pingback" itemtype="">
<header class="pingback-meta">
<span class="pingback-author" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
<span itemprop="name">
{% if %}
<a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{uri.url(true)}}#pingback-{{loop.index0}}" title="Link to this pingback" itemprop="url">
<time class="pingback-date" datetime="{{|e}}" itemprop="commentTime">
<div class="pingback-content" itemprop="commentText">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if grav.twig.commenting_enabled %}
<form name="{{ }}"
action="{{ grav.config.plugins.comments.form.action ? base_url ~ grav.config.plugins.comments.form.action : page.url }}"
method="{{ grav.config.plugins.comments.form.method|upper|default('POST') }}">
{% for field in grav.config.plugins.comments.form.fields %}
{% set value = form.value( %}
{% if field.evaluateDefault %}
{% set value = evaluate(field.evaluateDefault) %}
{% endif %}
{% if config.plugins.login.enabled and grav.user.authenticated %}
{% if == 'name' %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ (scope ~|fieldName }}" value="{{grav.user.fullname}}">
{% elseif == 'email' %}
<input type="hidden" name="{{ (scope ~|fieldName }}" value="{{}}">
{% else %}
{% include "forms/fields/#{field.type}/#{field.type}.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% include "forms/fields/#{field.type}/#{field.type}.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "forms/fields/formname/formname.html.twig" %}
<div class="buttons">
{% for button in grav.config.plugins.comments.form.buttons %}
<button class="button" type="{{ button.type|default('submit') }}">{{ button.value|t|default('Submit') }}</button>
{% endfor %}
{{ nonce_field('form', 'form-nonce')|raw }}
<div class="alert">{{ form.message }}</div>
{% endif %}
{% if grav.twig.comments|length %}
<table class="comments">
{% set comments_visible = false %}
{% for comment in grav.twig.comments %}
{% if comment.approved == "true" %}
{% set comments_visible = true %}
<article id="comment-{{loop.index0}}" class="comment" itemtype="">
<header class="comment-meta">
<span class="comment-author" itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="">
<img class="comment-avatar" itemprop="image" src="{{|ltrim()|rtrim()|md5}}?size=30&d=identicon">
<span itemprop="name">
{% if %}
<a href="{{}}">{{}}</a>
{% else %}
{% endif %}
<a href="{{uri.url(true)}}#comment-{{loop.index0}}" title="Link to this comment" itemprop="url">
<time class="comment-date" datetime="{{|e}}" itemprop="commentTime">
<div class="comment-content" itemprop="commentText">
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if not comments_visible %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}