On the guest Machine, open `Files` and click on the optical drive icon (CD name starts with VBOXADDITIONS) then click on the `Run Software` button and follow the on screen instructions.
Virtual machines are created with only 1 CPU. You can change this in
`System` -> `Processor`
#### 3D Acceleration
For better performances, it is strongly recommended to enable 3D Acceleration in `Display` -> `Screen`
#### USB Controller
If you have installed the [extension pack](https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch01.html#intro-installing) and your hardware supports it, you set the USB Controller to USB 2.0 or 3.0, in `USB`
Note: Access to USB is granted by the user group `vboxusers` on the **Host** operating system. You can add yourself to this group with the following command:
You can share folders from the Host to the Guest in `Shared Folders`
**Note:** auto-mounted shared folders are mounted into the `/media` directory, along with the prefix `sf_`. For example, the shared folder `myfiles` would be mounted to `/media/sf_myfiles`. Access to auto-mounted shared folders is only granted to the user group `vboxsf` on the Guest operating system.
Execute these commands to set the permissions and add yourself to the group:
Download the latest [VirtualBox Installer](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads) - [direct link](http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.1.30/VirtualBox-5.1.30-118389-Linux_amd64.run) (5.1.30) right click link and Save As.
**Note:** You will probably want to install the [Extension Pack](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) to extend the functionalities of VirtualBox.