+++ title = "httpd (Apache)" +++ # httpd (Apache) Solus provides httpd (otherwise referred to as Apache) web server for web developers to test locally before uploading their work. ## Installation httpd can be installed either from the Software Center or via terminal: ``` bash sudo eopkg install httpd ``` ## Usage ### Configuration and DocumentRoot As we supply a default vendor configuration in `/usr/share/defaults/httpd/`, to make modifications to httpd's configuration, you must first create the directory `/etc/httpd/conf.d/` and create your own *.conf files, which will overwrite the default configuration. If you modify the default vendor configuration instead it will be overwritten with the next update. By default, httpd's DocumentRoot is set to `/var/www/`, thus files you desire to be accessible via your httpd server must be copied to that location. ### Management Managing httpd is done via systemd, using the following commands: ``` bash sudo systemctl enable httpd # Enable on startup sudo systemctl start httpd # Start the web server sudo systemctl stop httpd # Stop the web server ```