+++ title = "Community Guidelines" +++ # Community Guidelines The Solus Project enforces a set of community guidelines to maintain respect and professionalism, as well as a family-friendly environment. ## Forums/IRC/General Guidelines The following guidelines apply to the community as a whole and extends to venues such as forums, IRC, and social media. - No spamming or flooding. - Observe topic guidance (off-topic channels/sub-forums where and when appropriate). - The linking of illegal, pornographic, and/or offensive media is not permitted. - No personal/direct attacks - keep it family friendly and respectful. Support needs to be open to all. - No advertising - this includes the continual repetition of other FOSS projects too whilst on our support mediums (including G+ community) - it is harmful to the project and never conducive to support. - The usage of bots unless explicitly permitted by the Solus Project is **strictly forbidden**. ## Team Guidelines The team will strive to provide a friendly and open atmosphere, to enable community support. If community members are found to be violating the guidelines, Solus team members reserve the right to **either ban** or **terminate access** to services. In all situations but the most extreme, prior warning will be given to the individual concerned, as an opportunity to correct their behaviour.