## Getting Involved ### Google+ and Forums With so many new users joining, there are always more people needing help. A great way to help us out, would be to help out our users on the [Solus Project Forums](https://solus-project.com/forums/) as well as [Google+ community](https://plus.google.com/communities/104830131595272878110). ### IRC Internet Relay Chat is a great way to discuss issues and development with the community, and project developers. It's also a great place for getting support. Channel | Description ----- | ----- [#Solus](irc://chat.freenode.net/#Solus) | Main project IRC channel, primarily for support. [#Solus-Chat](irc://chat.freenode.net/#Solus-Chat) | Off-topic channel for Solus. [#Solus-Dev](irc://chat.freenode.net/#Solus-Dev) | Development discussions. ### Reporting issues You can report issues via the [Solus bug tracker](https://bugs.solus-project.com/).