+++ title = "Package.yml" +++ # Package.yml All packages consist of a single build file, which provides all of the required metadata for the package manager, plus the build steps involved to produce a package. This follows the YAML specification. ## Format All `package.yml` files **must** be valid YAML. As can be seen in the example below, the file is organised into a key->value hierarchy. Some values may be required to be in a list format, whereas most are simple strings. The build step sections are all considered optional, however if you do not perform *any* steps, then no package is generated. Each of these keys contains content that will be placed within a script and executed within a controlled environment to perform the package build. To all intents and purposes, they are bash scripts with a predefined environment. An example file follows: ``` yaml name : nano version : 2.5.1 release : 39 source : - http://www.nano-editor.org/dist/v2.5/nano-2.5.1.tar.gz : e06fca01bf183f4d531aa65a28dffc0e2d10185239909eb3de797023f3453bde license : GPL-3.0 component : editor summary : Small, friendly text editor inspired by Pico description: | GNU nano is an easy-to-use text editor originally designed as a replacement for Pico, the ncurses-based editor from the non-free mailer package Pine. setup : | %configure --enable-utf8 --docdir=/usr/share/doc/nano build : | %make install : | %make_install # TODO: Convert to stateless install -D -m 00644 $pkgfiles/nanorc $installdir/etc/nanorc ``` ## Keys Not all fields in `package.yml` are mandatory, but a small selection are. They are listed below. Note that `string(s)` indicates that it is possible to use a `list` of strings, or one single `string` `dict` refers to a `key : value` split in YAML, and `dict(s)` refers to a list of `dict`s ### Mandatory Keys Key Name | Type | Description ---- | ---- | ---- **name** | `string` | The name of the package. This is also used as the base of all sub-package names. Unless unavoidable, this should match the upstream name **version** | `string` | The version of the currently packaged software. This is taken from the tarball in most cases. **release** | `integer` | Specifies the current release number. Updates in the package number are based on this `release` number, *not* the `version` number. As such, to release an update to users, this number must be incremented by one. **license** | `string(s)` | Valid upstream license(s). Try to ensure these use [SPDX identifiers](http://spdx.org/licenses/). **source** | `dict(s)` | Upstream source location (i.e. tarball), with the valid `sha256sum` as a value **component** | `string` | Component / group of packages this package belongs to. Check available components via `eopkg lc` **summary** | `string` | Brief package summary, or display name **description** | `string` | More extensive description of the software, usually taken from the vendor website ### Optional, supported keys Key Name | Type | Description ---- | ---- | ---- **clang** | `bool` | Set to `no` if this package cannot be built with Clang **extract** | `bool` | Set to `no` to disable automatic source extraction. **autodep** | `bool` | Set to `no` to disable automatic binary dependency resolution at build time **emul32** | `bool` | Set to `yes` to enable an `-m32` build (32-bit libs) **libsplit** | `bool` | Set to `no` to disable splitting of libraries into `devel` sub-packages **builddeps** | `list` | Specify build dependencies for the package. You can learn more [here](/articles/packaging/packaging-practices/en/#build-dependencies). **rundeps** | `dict(s)` | Specify further runtime dependencies for the packages. You can learn more [here](/articles/packaging/packaging-practices/en/#runtime-dependencies). **replaces** | `dict(s)` | Replace one package with another, used when renaming or deprecating packages for clean upgrade paths **patterns** | `dict(s)` | Allows fine grained control over file placement within the package or sub-packages. Useful for packages that are development only (i.e. `/usr/bin` files) ### Build step keys, optional Note that each step in itself is optional, however all can be used. The value of each of these keys is merged into a build script that is executed for each stage of the build. Step Name | Description ---- | ---- **setup** | Performed after the source extraction. This is the correct place to perform any `configure` routine, or to `patch` the sources. **build** | Use this step to run the build portion, i.e. `make` **install** | This is where you should install the files into the final packaging directory, i.e. `make install` **check** | There is where tests / checking should occur, i.e. `make check` ## Macros To further assist in packaging, a number of macros are available. These are simply shorthand ways to perform a normal build operation. They also ensure that the resulting package is consistent. These macros are only available in our build steps, as they are substituted within the script before execution. ### Usage Macros are prefixed with `%`, and are substituted before your script is executed. Macros ending with `%` are used to provide directory names or build values, to the script. ``` bash # Run the configure macro with the given arguments %configure --disable-static ``` ### Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%autogen** | Runs autogen with our `%CONFOPTS%` to create a configure script then proceeds to run `%configure`. **%cmake** | Configure cmake project with the distribution specific options, such as prefix and release type **%configure** | Runs `./configure` with our `%CONFOPTS%` variable macro. **%make** | Runs the `make` command with the job count specified in `eopkg.conf` **%make_install** | Perform a `make install`, using the `DESTDIR` variant. Should work for the vast majority of packages. **%patch** | Sane patch macro to run in batch mode and not contaminate source tree on failure **%apply_patches** | Applies all patches listed in the `series` file in `./files` folder. **%reconfigure** | Updates build scripts such as `./configure` and proceeds to run `%configure`. ### Haskell Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%cabal_configure** | Runs cabal configure with prefix, libdir, etc. and ensures the necessary package.conf.d is copied to the correct location. **%cabal_build** | Runs cabal build with `%JOBS%` **%cabal_install** | Runs cabal copy to `$installdir` **%cabal_register** | Runs cabal register to generate a pkg-config for package and version, then installs the conf file. ### Meson Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%meson_configure** | Runs meson with our CFLAGS and appropriate flags such as libdir. **%meson_build** | Runs ninja and passes our `%JOBS%` variable. **%meson_install** | Runs meson install and passed the appropriate `DESTDIR` and `%JOBS%` variable ### Perl Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%perl_setup** | Runs Perl setup scripts Build.pl or Makefile.pl with the appropriate variable flags. **%perl_build** | Runs Perl build scripts or attempts `%make`. **%perl_install** | Runs Perl install scripts or attempts `%make_install`. ### Python Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%python_setup** | Runs the build portion of a setup.py using python2. **%python_install** | Runs the install portion of a setup.py, to the appropriate root, using python2. **%python3_setup** | Runs the build portion of a setup.py using python3. **%python3_install** | Runs the install portion of a setup.py, to the appropriate root, using python3. ### Qt Actionable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%qmake** | Runs qmake for Qt5 with the appropriate make flags. **%qmake4** | Runs qmake for Qt4, as well as adding the necessary MOC, RCC, and UIC flags since those Qt4 executables end in -qt4. ### Variable Macros Macro | Description ---- | ---- **%ARCH%** | Indicates the current build architecture. **%CONFOPTS%** | Flags / options for configuration, such as `--prefix=/usr`. [Full List.](https://github.com/solus-project/ypkg/blob/master/ypkg2/rc.yml#L117) **%CFLAGS%** | cflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **%CXXFLAGS%** | cxxflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **%LDFLAGS%** | ldflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **%CC%** | C compiler **%CXX%** | C++ compiler **%JOBS%** | jobs, as set in `eopkg.conf` **%installroot%** | Hard-coded install directory **%libdir%** | The distribution’s default library directory, i.e. `/usr/lib64` (Alters for `emul32`) **%workdir%** | Hard-coded work directory (source tree) ## Variables A set of variables are exported in our build stages. These are used to provide context and structure to the scripts. Variable | Description ---- | ---- **$CFLAGS** | cflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **$CXXFLAGS** | cxxflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **$LDFLAGS** | ldflags as set in `eopkg.conf` **$CC** | C compiler **$CXX** | C++ compiler **$EMUL32BUILD** | Set only when compiling in `emul32` mode **$workdir** | The work, or source, directory of the package build **$installdir** | The install directory, i.e. where files are installed to for packaging **$pkgfiles** | Refers to the `./files` directory relative to the `package.yml` file **$sources** | Refers to the directory where your source files are stored e.g. `$sources/nano.tar.gz` ## Types The `package.yml` file uses native YAML types, however for the sake of clarity an explanation of how they are used within the context of `ypkg` is provided below. ### string This is simply text, which does not need to be quoted. ### integer Whole, positive number, used in the `release` field. ### list A YAML list (or array) can be expressed in multiple ways. A short array-notation would look like this: `[one, two, three]` They can also be expressed like this: ``` yaml - First Value - Second Value - Third Value ``` ### dict Known as an associative array, this is key to value mapping. These are separated by a colon (`:`), the token on the left is taken to be a key, and the token on the right is the value. `SomeKey: Some Value` Note that each `ypkg key` in the YAML file is actually a dict. ### dict(s) This is a combination of the `list` type, the `dict` type and some assumptions. We primarily make use of this to express advanced information within the package. These permit you to provide no key, and a value only. In this instance, the key is assumed to be the package `name`: `- some value` An explicit key, usually a sub-package name: `- somekey: somevalue` A mix of both: ``` yaml - somevalue - somekey: another value ``` The values may also be expressed in list form, still using the same default key logic: ``` yaml - [one,two, three] - somekey: [one,two, three] - key: - value one - value two - value three ```