Threaded console, threaded cleanup. Yes!

Made the threaded console to batch messages and so I could manually
flush or clear them.  At some point I would consider a safety maximum
buffer size that triggers it to auto flush. This worked out really well,
though I have to see why in some cases lines appear to double up still,
could be something with the process not completing when I expect it to.

This is possible a naive thread implementation, since it pushes a
directory for every thread which seems too drastic. I'd like to see how
much better it works without all the context switches.  It's also a
matter of figuring out how much to handle yourself before letting
another thread join in.  Right now the threads don't branch out too much
since I think they basically do a breadth-first search, though I have to
double check on that.

Still to come, trying to safely work with fstat across multiple
directories. It's fast, but on the console the script would appear to
stall as it parses everything, so I'd still want to break it down
somewhat so you can see the script making visible progress.  I would
also prefer this because then console messages wouldn't be so short and

Improvements to come!
This commit is contained in:
Brian 2014-05-08 22:55:12 -06:00
parent 2b14c4a273
commit 97da25ce38
1 changed files with 117 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ MSG = enum('SHUTDOWN', 'PARSE_DIRECTORY')
p4_ignore = ".p4ignore"
main_pid = os.getpid( )
def PressEnter( ):
print( "\nPress ENTER to continue..." )
@ -54,13 +56,6 @@ def match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
return True
return False
class Console:
def __init__( self ):
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
def Write( self, data ):
with self.mutex:
print( data )
class PTable( list ):
def __init__( self, *args ):
list.__init__( self, args )
@ -71,11 +66,66 @@ class PDict( dict ):
dict.__init__( self, args )
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
class Console( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.buffers = {}
self.running = True
self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
def write( self, data ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.WRITE, os.getpid(), data ) )
def flush( self ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.FLUSH, os.getpid() ) )
def clear( self ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.CLEAR, os.getpid() ) )
def __enter__( self ):
self.start( )
return self
def __exit__( self, type, value, tb ):
self.running = False
def run( self ):
# TODO: switch to a queue so we're not spinning and wasting a thread
self.running = True
while True:
data = self.queue.get( )
event = data[0]
if event == Console.MSG.SHUTDOWN:
# flush remaining buffers before shutting down
for ( pid, buffer ) in self.buffers.iteritems( ):
for line in buffer:
print( line )
elif event == Console.MSG.WRITE:
pid, s = data[ 1 : ]
if pid not in self.buffers:
self.buffers[ pid ] = []
self.buffers[ pid ].append( s )
elif event == Console.MSG.FLUSH:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
for line in self.buffers[ pid ]:
print( line )
elif event == Console.MSG.CLEAR:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
del self.buffers[ pid ]
class Worker( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, queue, files_to_ignore ):
def __init__( self, console, queue, files_to_ignore ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.console = console
self.queue = queue
self.files_to_ignore = files_to_ignore
@ -84,50 +134,52 @@ class Worker( threading.Thread ):
( cmd, data ) = self.queue.get( )
if cmd == MSG.SHUTDOWN:
self.queue.task_done( )
self.console.flush( )
if cmd != MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY or data is None:
self.console.flush( )
self.queue.task_done( )
directory = data
current_directory = os.getcwd( )
self.console.write( "Working on " + directory )
dir_contents = os.listdir( directory )
if p4_ignore in dir_contents:
file_regexes = []
# Should automatically ignore .p4ignore even if it's not specified, otherwise it'll be deleted.
path = os.path.join( current_directory, p4_ignore )
path = os.path.join( directory, p4_ignore )
with open( path ) as f:
for line in f:
new_line = remove_comment( line.strip( ) )
if len( new_line ) > 0:
file_regexes.append( re.compile( os.path.join( re.escape( current_directory + os.sep ), new_line ) ) )
file_regexes.append( re.compile( os.path.join( re.escape( directory + os.sep ), new_line ) ) )
print( "|Appending ignores from " + path )
self.console.write( "|Appending ignores from " + path )
with self.files_to_ignore.mutex:
if current_directory not in self.files_to_ignore:
self.files_to_ignore[ current_directory ] = []
self.files_to_ignore[ current_directory ].extend( file_regexes )
if directory not in self.files_to_ignore:
self.files_to_ignore[ directory ] = []
self.files_to_ignore[ directory ].extend( file_regexes )
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( current_directory, self.files_to_ignore )
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( directory, self.files_to_ignore )
files = []
command = "p4 fstat *"
os.chdir( directory )
proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=directory )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
os.chdir( current_directory )
for line in err.decode('utf-8').split( os.linesep ):
if len( line ) == 0:
# # dirty hack that grabs the filename from the ends of the printed out (not err) "depo_path - local_path"
# # I could use regex to verify the expected string, but that will just slow us down.
# basename = os.path.basename( line )
@ -137,31 +189,32 @@ class Worker( threading.Thread ):
if basename == "*":
# Directory is empty, we could delete it now
path = os.path.join( current_directory, basename )
path = os.path.join( directory, basename )
if not os.path.isdir( path ):
files.append( basename )
for content in dir_contents:
if os.path.isdir( content ):
path = os.path.join( current_directory, content )
path = os.path.join( directory, content )
if os.path.isdir( path ):
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
print( "| Ignoring " + content )
self.console.write( "| Ignoring " + content )
self.queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, content ) )
self.queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, path ) )
for file in files:
path = os.path.join( current_directory, file )
path = os.path.join( directory, file )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
print( "| Ignoring " + path )
self.console.write( "| Ignoring " + path )
print( "| " + file + " is unversioned, removing it." )
self.console.write( "| " + file + " is unversioned, removing it." )
os.chmod( path, stat.S_IWRITE )
os.remove( path )
print( "|Done." )
self.console.write( "|Done." )
self.console.flush( )
self.queue.task_done( )
@ -174,13 +227,13 @@ def main( args ):
parser = optparse.OptionParser( )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=10 )
parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=2 )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( )
root_path = "."
root_full_path = os.getcwd( )
# Files are added from .p4ignore
@ -189,7 +242,7 @@ def main( args ):
# make sure script doesn't delete itself
with files_to_ignore.mutex:
files_to_ignore[ root_path ] = [ re.compile( os.path.join( re.escape( root_path + os.sep ), os.path.basename( __file__ ) ) ) ]
files_to_ignore[ root_full_path ] = [ re.compile( os.path.join( re.escape( root_full_path + os.sep ), os.path.basename( __file__ ) ) ) ]
# Setup threading
threads = []
@ -197,44 +250,45 @@ def main( args ):
queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
for i in range( thread_count ):
t = Worker( queue, files_to_ignore )
threads.append( t )
t.start( )
with Console() as c:
for i in range( thread_count ):
t = Worker( c, queue, files_to_ignore )
threads.append( t )
t.start( )
if len( threads ) == 1:
print( "Spawned %s thread." % len( threads ) )
print( "Spawned %s threads." % len( threads ) )
if len( threads ) == 1:
print( "Spawned %s thread." % len( threads ) )
print( "Spawned %s threads." % len( threads ) )
queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, "." ) )
queue.join( )
queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, if is not None else os.getcwd( ) ) )
queue.join( )
for i in range( thread_count ):
queue.put( ( MSG.SHUTDOWN, None ) )
for i in range( thread_count ):
queue.put( ( MSG.SHUTDOWN, None ) )
print( os.linesep + "Removing empty directories...")
# remove empty directories in reverse order
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( root_path, topdown=False ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
print( os.linesep + "Removing empty directories...")
# remove empty directories in reverse order
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( root_full_path, topdown=False ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
for d in dirs:
path = os.path.join( root, d )
for d in dirs:
path = os.path.join( root, d )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
# add option of using send2trash
print( "| ignoring " + d )
dirs.remove( d )
print( "| " + d + " was removed." )
except OSError:
# Fails on non-empty directory
print( "|Done." )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
# add option of using send2trash
print( "| ignoring " + d )
dirs.remove( d )
print( "| " + d + " was removed." )
except OSError:
# Fails on non-empty directory
print( "|Done." )
for t in threads:
t.join( )
for t in threads:
t.join( )
if __name__ == "__main__":