See description. Why does this have to be so short?

Removed excess input of polling p4. Fixed quiet output. Added directory
removal back in. Made the output a little nicer, added singular and
plural strings, also added directory total output.
This commit is contained in:
Brian 2014-05-13 20:18:16 -06:00
parent 865eaa243d
commit fd419089be
1 changed files with 48 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ def match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
return True
return False
def call_process( args ):
return args.split( ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
use_bytearray_str_conversion = type( b"str" ) is not str
def get_str_from_process_stdout( line ):
if use_bytearray_str_conversion:
@ -84,6 +87,9 @@ def get_str_from_process_stdout( line ):
return line
def singular_pulural( val, singular, plural ):
return singular if val == 1 else plural
# Keep these in mind if you have issues:
@ -109,6 +115,8 @@ def get_client_set( path ):
files.add( local_path )
# TODO: check error to see if the path is not in the client view. Prompt anyway?
return files
class PTable( list ):
@ -206,7 +214,7 @@ class Console( threading.Thread ):
def main( args ):
# check requirements
if os.system( 'p4 -V' ) != 0:
if call_process( 'p4 -V' ) != 0:
print( 'Perforce Command-line Client(p4) is required for this script.' )
sys.exit( 1 )
@ -215,14 +223,19 @@ def main( args ):
parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=100 )
parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="quiet", help="This overrides verbose", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="This overrides verbose", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( )
directory = normpath( if is not None else os.getcwd( ) )
remove_count = 0
# Files are added from .p4ignore
# Key is the file root, the value is the table of file regexes for that directory.
files_to_ignore = PDict()
remove_file_count = 0
remove_dir_count = 0
warning_count = 0
error_count = 0
@ -234,7 +247,7 @@ def main( args ):
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( "Checking " + directory)
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( directory ):
ignore_list = {}#get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "|Checking " + root )
@ -257,24 +270,49 @@ def main( args ):
os.chmod( path, stat.S_IWRITE )
os.remove( path )
remove_count += 1
remove_file_count += 1
except OSError as ex:
c.writeflush( "| " + type( ex ).__name__ )
c.writeflush( "| " + repr( ex ) )
c.writeflush( "| ^ERROR^" )
error_count += 1
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "|Done." )
output = "\nRemoved " + str( remove_count ) + " file/s"
if not options.quiet:
c.write( os.linesep + "Removing empty directories...")
# remove empty directories in reverse order
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( directory, topdown=False ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
for d in dirs:
path = os.path.join( root, d )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
# add option of using send2trash
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| ignoring " + d )
dirs.remove( d )
remove_dir_count += 1
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| " + d + " was removed." )
except OSError:
# Fails on non-empty directory
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "|Done." )
if not options.quiet:
output = "\nRemoved " + str( remove_file_count ) + singular_pulural( remove_file_count, " file, ", " files, " )
output += str( remove_dir_count ) + singular_pulural( remove_dir_count, " directory", " directories")
if warning_count > 0:
output += " w/ " + str( warning_count ) + " warning/s"
output += " w/ " + str( warning_count ) + singular_pulural( warning_count, " warning", " warnings" )
if error_count > 0:
output += " w/ " + str( error_count ) + " error/s"
output += " w/ " + str( error_count ) + singular_pulural( error_count, " error", " errors" )
c.write( output + "." )