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4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brian 3d11065299 Update 2014-05-13 16:56:13 -06:00
Brian beab6428c1 Update 2014-05-09 17:19:09 -06:00
Brian bcff97c22c Update 2014-05-09 15:40:13 -06:00
Brian d7ff7a6646 Update 2014-05-09 15:24:12 -06:00
6 changed files with 292 additions and 851 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,17 +1,24 @@
p4Tools p4RemoveUnversioned
=================== ===================
Perforce script tools for: Removes unversioned files from perforce repository. Script is in beta, though it works. It's a little slow due to the way fstat is used, but that will be changed soon, so the speed up should be enormous once that's done, up to 100x or more.
* Remove unversioned files
* Parallel sync missing files
* Parallel sync everything
* Etc.
Script is in beta, works well, but still going through continued testing. There are a few stats at the end, will be putting in more, like number of files/directories checked, so you have an idea how much work was required. One of the reasons this is still in testing is because sometimes the end of the script gets stuck when closing Console logging; I haven't had the time or care to fix this, so it's not considered stable or production ready for at least that reason. This script does parse __.p4ignore__ ignore files, compiles the fields as regex, and scans every directory and file against the local and parent __.p4ignore__ files. This is my first time doing something like this, and I just realized this isn't actually correct; I need to update how things are ignored to follow the [spec](, since it's not straight up regex.
Concerning benchmarks: I used to have a HDD, now a SSD. So I can't provide valid comparisons to the old numbers until I do them on a computer with a HDD. That said, this single worker implementation runs faster than the old multi-threaded version. Can't wait to further update it, will only continue to get faster.
~~This script does parse __.p4ignore__ ignore files, compiles the fields as regex, and scans every directory and file against the local and parent __.p4ignore__ files. This is my first time doing something like this, and I just realized this isn't actually correct; I need to update how things are ignored to follow the [spec](, since it's not straight up regex.~~ I need to re-add this to the newer script.
**Files are currently permanently deleted, so use this at your own risk.** **Files are currently permanently deleted, so use this at your own risk.**
**This is currently Windows only, but it will be updated to work on Linux**
Raw Tests
With Python 2.7.6 on a 133GB Directory with 15,700 Folders and 153,415 Files, the script ran for 11m and 16.35s. This will only get better.
With Python 3.4.0 on the same directory, the script ran for 3m and 00.86s. At this point the directory was already stripped of unversioned files, but that's not the longest part of the process, so this version of Python is just that much faster. I'll have more concrete tests later when things are changing less in code.
To give you an idea of the improvement, running the new script in the testing branch with Python 3.4.0 has a runtime of 3m and 44.44s, singlethreaded. The previous test was done with 100 threads. So, once I make this multi-threaded, it will be blazing.
Besides making the new script multi-threaded, I'm looking at a way of improving the os.walk speed, I see there's a betterwalk module I can take advantage of. I noticed when iterating directories for deletion it's super fast, but iterating files makes it super slow for some reason; so, I want to look into this.

View File

@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# author : Brian Ernst
# python_version : 2.7.6 and 3.4.0
# =================================
import datetime, inspect, itertools, marshal, multiprocessing, optparse, os, re, stat, subprocess, sys, threading
# trying ntpath, need to test on linux
import ntpath
try: input = raw_input
except: pass
re_remove_comment = re.compile( "#.*$" )
def remove_comment( s ):
return re.sub( re_remove_comment, "", s )
def singular_pulural( val, singular, plural ):
return singular if val == 1 else plural
def enum(*sequential, **named):
enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
return type('Enum', (), enums)
p4_ignore = ".p4ignore"
main_pid = os.getpid( )
#if == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'cygwin'
def basename( path ):
# TODO: import based on platform
# posixpath for UNIX-style paths
# ntpath for Windows paths
# macpath for old-style MacOS paths
# os2emxpath for OS/2 EMX paths
#return os.path.basename( path )
return ntpath.basename( path )
def normpath( path ):
return ntpath.normpath( path )
def join( patha, pathb ):
return ntpath.join( patha, pathb )
def splitdrive( path ):
return ntpath.splitdrive( path )
def p4FriendlyPath(path):
Returns path with sanitized unsupported characters due to filename limitations.
replace_items = {
'@' : '%40',
'#' : '%23',
'*' : '%2A',
'%' : '%25'
def replace(c):
return replace_items[c] if c in replace_items else c
return ''.join(map(replace, path))
def get_ignore_list( path, files_to_ignore ):
# have to split path and test top directory
dirs = path.split( os.sep )
ignore_list = [ ]
for i, val in enumerate( dirs ):
path_to_find = os.sep.join( dirs[ : i + 1] )
if path_to_find in files_to_ignore:
ignore_list.extend( files_to_ignore[ path_to_find ] )
return ignore_list
def match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
for r in ignore_list:
if re.match( r, path ):
return True
return False
def call_process( args ):
return args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
def try_call_process( args, path=None ):
subprocess.check_output( args, shell=False, cwd=path )#, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT )
return 0
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return 1
use_bytearray_str_conversion = type( b"str" ) is not str
def get_str_from_process_stdout( line ):
if use_bytearray_str_conversion:
return ''.join( map( chr, line ) )
return line
def parse_info_from_command( args, value, path = None ):
:rtype : string
proc = subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path )
for line in proc.stdout:
line = get_str_from_process_stdout( line )
if not line.startswith( value ):
return line[ len( value ) : ].strip( )
return None
def get_p4_py_results( args, path = None ):
results = []
proc = subprocess.Popen( 'p4 -G ' + args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path )
while True:
output = marshal.load( proc.stdout )
results.append( output )
except EOFError:
return results
def fail_if_no_p4():
if call_process( 'p4 -V' ) != 0:
print( 'Perforce Command-line Client(p4) is required for this script.' )
sys.exit( 1 )
# Keep these in mind if you have issues:
def get_client_set( path ):
files = set( [ ] )
make_drive_upper = True if == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'cygwin' else False
command = "p4 fstat ..."
proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path )
for line in proc.stdout:
line = get_str_from_process_stdout( line )
clientFile_tag = "... clientFile "
if not line.startswith( clientFile_tag ):
local_path = normpath( line[ len( clientFile_tag ) : ].strip( ) )
if make_drive_upper:
drive, path = splitdrive( local_path )
local_path = ''.join( [ drive.upper( ), path ] )
files.add( local_path )
proc.wait( )
for line in proc.stderr:
if "no such file" in line:
raise Exception(line)
return files
def get_client_root( ):
:rtype : string
command = "p4 info"
proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE )
for line in proc.stdout:
line = get_str_from_process_stdout( line )
clientFile_tag = "Client root: "
if not line.startswith( clientFile_tag ):
local_path = normpath( line[ len( clientFile_tag ) : ].strip( ) )
if local_path == "null":
local_path = None
return local_path
return None
class P4Workspace:
Use this class when working in a workspace.
Makes sure the environmentals are setup correctly, and that you aren't working on a non-perforce directory accidentally;
otherwise you can delete files that shouldn't be deleted. Ex:
with P4Workspace( cwd ): #sets current workspace to cwd, or fails
# do stuff here
# on exit reverts to previous set workspace
def __init__( self, directory): = directory
def __enter__( self ):
# get user
#print("\nChecking p4 info...")
result = get_p4_py_results('info')
if len(result) == 0 or b'userName' not in result[0].keys():
print("Can't find perforce info, is it even setup? Possibly can't connect to server.")
username = get_str_from_process_stdout(result[0][b'userName'])
client_host = get_str_from_process_stdout(result[0][b'clientHost'])
# see if current directory is set to current workspace, if not, set it to current workspace.
client_root = get_client_root()
ldirectory =
oldworkspace_name = None
# If workspace root is null, it could be because there are multiple views and not a single root.
if client_root is None:
results = get_p4_py_results('where',
for result in results:
path = result[b'path']
path = re.sub('...$', '', path)
path = normpath(path)
if ldirectory.startswith(path.lower()):
client_root = path
if client_root is None or not ldirectory.startswith(client_root.lower()):
#print("\nCurrent directory not in client view, checking other workspaces for user '" + username + "' ...")
oldworkspace_name = parse_info_from_command('p4 info', 'Client name: ')
# get user workspaces
results = get_p4_py_results('workspaces -u ' + username)
workspaces = []
for r in results:
whost = get_str_from_process_stdout(r[b'Host'])
if whost is not None and len(whost) != 0 and client_host != whost:
workspace = {'root': get_str_from_process_stdout(r[b'Root']), 'name': get_str_from_process_stdout(r[b'client'])}
del results
# check current directory against current workspace, see if it matches existing workspaces.
for w in workspaces:
wname = w['name']
wlower = w['root'].lower()
if ldirectory.startswith(wlower):
# set current directory, don't forget to revert it back to the existing one
#print("|Setting client view to: " + wname)
if try_call_process( 'p4 set P4CLIENT=' + wname ):
#print("|There was a problem trying to set the p4 client view (workspace).")
# TODO: look up workspace/users for this computer
print( "Couldn't find a workspace root that matches the current directory for the current user." )
self.oldworkspace_name = oldworkspace_name
return self
def __exit__( self, type, value, tb ):
# If we changed the current workspace, switch it back.
if self.oldworkspace_name is not None:
#c.write("\nReverting back to original client view...")
# set workspace back to the original one
if try_call_process( 'p4 set P4CLIENT=' + self.oldworkspace_name ):
# error_count += 1 # have console log errors
# if not options.quiet:
print("There was a problem trying to restore the set p4 client view (workspace).")
# if not options.quiet:
# c.write("|Reverted client view back to '" + self.oldworkspace_name + "'.")
#if not options.quiet:
# c.write("|Done.")
class PTable( list ):
def __init__( self, *args ):
list.__init__( self, args )
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
class PDict( dict ):
def __init__( self, *args ):
dict.__init__( self, args )
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
# TODO: Create a child thread for triggering autoflush events
# TODO: Hook console into stdout so it catches print
class Console( threading.Thread ):
def wake(thread):
if not thread.shutting_down:
thread.wake_thread = threading.Timer(thread.auto_flush_time / 1000.0, Console.wake, [thread])
thread.wake_thread.daemon = True
# auto_flush_time is time in milliseconds since last flush to trigger a flush when writing
def __init__( self, auto_flush_num = None, auto_flush_time = None ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.buffers = {}
self.buffer_write_times = {}
self.running = True
self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
self.auto_flush_num = auto_flush_num if auto_flush_num is not None else -1
self.auto_flush_time = auto_flush_time * 1000 if auto_flush_time is not None else -1
self.shutting_down = False
self.wake_thread = None
if self.auto_flush_time > 0:
def write( self, data, pid = None ):
pid = pid if pid is not None else threading.current_thread().ident
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.WRITE, pid, data ) )
def writeflush( self, data, pid = None ):
pid = pid if pid is not None else threading.current_thread().ident
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.WRITE, pid, data ) )
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.FLUSH, pid ) )
def flush( self, pid = None ):
pid = pid if pid is not None else threading.current_thread().ident
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.FLUSH, pid ) )
def clear( self, pid = None ):
pid = pid if pid is not None else threading.current_thread().ident
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.CLEAR, pid ) )
def __enter__( self ):
self.start( )
return self
def __exit__( self, type, value, tb ):
self.shutting_down = True
if self.wake_thread:
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.SHUTDOWN, ) )
self.queue.join( )
def run( self ):
while True:
data = self.queue.get( )
event = data[0]
if event == Console.MSG.SHUTDOWN:
for ( pid, buffer ) in self.buffers.items( ):
for line in buffer:
print( line )
self.buffers.clear( )
self.buffer_write_times.clear( )
self.queue.task_done( )
elif event == Console.MSG.WRITE:
pid, s = data[ 1 : ]
if pid not in self.buffers:
self.buffers[ pid ] = []
if pid not in self.buffer_write_times:
self.buffer_write_times[ pid ] = )
self.buffers[ pid ].append( s )
if self.auto_flush_num >= 0 and len( self.buffers[ pid ] ) >= self.auto_flush_num:
self.flush( pid )
elif self.auto_flush_time >= 0 and ( ) - self.buffer_write_times[ pid ] ).microseconds >= self.auto_flush_time:
self.flush( pid )
except TypeError:
print('"' + pid + '"')
# TODO: if buffer is not empty and we don't auto flush on write, sleep until a time then auto flush according to auto_flush_time
elif event == Console.MSG.FLUSH:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
buffer = self.buffers[ pid ]
for line in buffer:
print( line )
self.buffers.pop( pid, None )
self.buffer_write_times[ pid ] = )
elif event == Console.MSG.CLEAR:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
self.buffers.pop( pid, None )
self.queue.task_done( )
# class Task( threading.Event ):
# def __init__( data, cmd = None ):
# threading.Event.__init__( self )
# self.cmd = cmd if cmd is None MSG.RUN_FUNCTION
# = data
# def isDone( self ):
# return self.isSet()
# def join( self ):
# self.wait( )
class Worker( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, console, queue, commands ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.queue = queue
self.commands = commands
def run( self ):
while True:
( cmd, data ) = self.queue.get( )
if not self.commands[cmd](data):
self.queue.task_done( )
self.queue.task_done( )

View File

@ -4,153 +4,311 @@
# python_version : 2.7.6 and 3.4.0 # python_version : 2.7.6 and 3.4.0
# ================================= # =================================
# todo: switch to `p4 fstat ...`, and parse the output for clientFile and cache it.
# todo: have a backup feature, make sure files are moved to the recycle bin or a temporary file. # todo: have a backup feature, make sure files are moved to the recycle bin or a temporary file.
# todo: add option of using send2trash
# todo: switch to faster method of calling p4 fstat on an entire directory and parsing it's output # todo: switch to faster method of calling p4 fstat on an entire directory and parsing it's output
# todo: add option of using send2trash
# todo: buffer output, after exceeding a certain amount print to the output.
# todo: allow logging output besides console output, or redirection altogether # todo: allow logging output besides console output, or redirection altogether
from p4Helper import * import inspect, multiprocessing, optparse, os, re, stat, subprocess, sys, threading, traceback
import time, traceback # trying ntpath, need to test on linux
import ntpath
#============================================================== re_remove_comment = re.compile( "#.*$" )
def remove_comment( s ):
return re.sub( re_remove_comment, "", s )
try: input = raw_input
except: pass
def enum(*sequential, **named):
enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named)
return type('Enum', (), enums)
p4_ignore = ".p4ignore"
main_pid = os.getpid( )
def basename( path ):
#return os.path.basename( path )
return ntpath.basename( path )
def get_ignore_list( path, files_to_ignore ):
# have to split path and test top directory
dirs = path.split( os.sep )
ignore_list = [ ]
for i, val in enumerate( dirs ):
path_to_find = os.sep.join( dirs[ : i + 1] )
if path_to_find in files_to_ignore:
ignore_list.extend( files_to_ignore[ path_to_find ] )
return ignore_list
def match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
for r in ignore_list:
if re.match( r, path ):
return True
return False
class PTable( list ):
def __init__( self, *args ):
list.__init__( self, args )
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
class PDict( dict ):
def __init__( self, *args ):
dict.__init__( self, args )
self.mutex = multiprocessing.Semaphore( )
class Console( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.buffers = {}
self.running = True
self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
def write( self, data ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.WRITE, os.getpid(), data ) )
def flush( self ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.FLUSH, os.getpid() ) )
def clear( self ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.CLEAR, os.getpid() ) )
def __enter__( self ):
self.start( )
return self
def __exit__( self, type, value, tb ):
self.queue.put( ( Console.MSG.SHUTDOWN, ) )
self.queue.join( )
def run( self ):
while True:
data = self.queue.get( )
event = data[0]
if event == Console.MSG.SHUTDOWN:
# flush remaining buffers before shutting down
for ( pid, buffer ) in self.buffers.iteritems( ):
for line in buffer:
print( line )
self.buffers.clear( )
self.queue.task_done( )
elif event == Console.MSG.WRITE:
pid, s = data[ 1 : ]
if pid not in self.buffers:
self.buffers[ pid ] = []
self.buffers[ pid ].append( s )
elif event == Console.MSG.FLUSH:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
for line in self.buffers[ pid ]:
print( line )
self.buffers.pop( pid, None )
elif event == Console.MSG.CLEAR:
pid = data[ 1 ]
if pid in self.buffers:
self.buffers.pop( pid, None )
self.queue.task_done( )
class Worker( threading.Thread ):
def __init__( self, console, queue, files_to_ignore ):
threading.Thread.__init__( self )
self.console = console
self.queue = queue
self.files_to_ignore = files_to_ignore
def run( self ):
while True:
( cmd, data ) = self.queue.get( )
if cmd == MSG.SHUTDOWN:
self.queue.task_done( )
self.console.flush( )
if cmd != MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY or data is None:
self.console.flush( )
self.queue.task_done( )
directory = data
self.console.write( "Working on " + directory )
dir_contents = os.listdir( directory )
if p4_ignore in dir_contents:
file_regexes = []
# Should automatically ignore .p4ignore even if it's not specified, otherwise it'll be deleted.
path = os.path.join( directory, p4_ignore )
with open( path ) as f:
for line in f:
new_line = remove_comment( line.strip( ) )
if len( new_line ) > 0:
file_regexes.append( re.compile( os.path.join( re.escape( directory + os.sep ), new_line ) ) )
self.console.write( "| Appending ignores from " + path )
with self.files_to_ignore.mutex:
if directory not in self.files_to_ignore:
self.files_to_ignore[ directory ] = []
self.files_to_ignore[ directory ].extend( file_regexes )
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( directory, self.files_to_ignore )
files = []
command = "p4 fstat *"
proc = subprocess.Popen( command.split( ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=directory )
(out, err) = proc.communicate()
except Exception as ex:
self.console.write( "| " + type( ex ) )
self.console.write( "| " + ex.args )
self.console.write( "| " + ex )
self.console.write( "|ERROR." )
self.console.flush( )
self.queue.task_done( )
for line in err.decode('utf-8').split( os.linesep ):
if len( line ) == 0:
# # dirty hack that grabs the filename from the ends of the printed out (not err) "depo_path - local_path"
# # I could use regex to verify the expected string, but that will just slow us down.
# base = basename( line )
i = line.rfind( ' - ')
if i >= 0:
base = line[ : i ]
if base == "*" or len(base) == 0:
# Directory is empty, we could delete it now
path = os.path.join( directory, base )
if not os.path.isdir( path ):
files.append( base )
for content in dir_contents:
path = os.path.join( directory, content )
if os.path.isdir( path ):
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
self.console.write( "| Ignoring " + content )
self.queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, path ) )
for file in files:
path = os.path.join( directory, file )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
self.console.write( "| Ignoring " + path )
self.console.write( "| " + file + " is unversioned, removing it." )
os.chmod( path, stat.S_IWRITE )
os.remove( path )
self.console.write( "|Done." )
self.console.flush( )
self.queue.task_done( )
def main( args ): def main( args ):
start = time.time() # check requirements
if os.system( 'p4 > Nul' ) != 0:
fail_if_no_p4() print( 'Perforce Command-line Client(p4) is required for this script.' )
sys.exit( 1 )
# #
parser = optparse.OptionParser( ) parser = optparse.OptionParser( )
parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=100 ) parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=100 )
parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="This overrides verbose", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="quiet", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=True )
parser.add_option( "-i", "--interactive", action="store_true", dest="interactive", default=False )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( args ) ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( )
directory = normpath( if is not None else os.getcwd( ) ) root_full_path = os.getcwd( )
with Console( auto_flush_time=1 ) as c: # Files are added from .p4ignore
with P4Workspace( directory ): # Key is the file root, the value is the table of file regexes for that directory.
# Files are added from .p4ignore files_to_ignore = PDict()
# Key is the file root, the value is the table of file regexes for that directory.
files_to_ignore = PDict()
processed_file_count = 0 # make sure script doesn't delete itself
processed_directory_count = 0 with files_to_ignore.mutex:
files_to_ignore[ root_full_path ] = [ re.compile( re.escape( os.path.join( root_full_path, basename( __file__ ) ) ) ) ]
remove_file_count = 0 # Setup threading
remove_dir_count = 0 threads = []
warning_count = 0 thread_count = options.thread_count if options.thread_count > 0 else multiprocessing.cpu_count( ) + threads
error_count = 0
if not options.quiet: queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
c.writeflush( "\nCaching files in depot, this may take a little while..." )
# TODO: push this off to a thread and walk the directory so we get a headstart. with Console() as c:
files_in_depot = get_client_set( directory ) for i in range( thread_count ):
t = Worker( c, queue, files_to_ignore )
threads.append( t )
t.start( )
if not options.quiet: if len( threads ) == 1:
c.writeflush( "|Done." ) print( "Spawned %s thread." % len( threads ) )
print( "Spawned %s threads." % len( threads ) )
# TODO: push a os.walk request off to a thread to build a list of files in the directory; create batch based on directory? queue.put( ( MSG.PARSE_DIRECTORY, if is not None else os.getcwd( ) ) )
queue.join( )
# TODO: at this point join on both tasks to wait until they're done for i in range( thread_count ):
queue.put( ( MSG.SHUTDOWN, None ) )
# TODO: kick off file removal, make batches from the files for threads to work on since testing has to be done for each. print( os.linesep + "Removing empty directories...")
# need to figure out the best way to do this since the ignore list needs to be properly built for each directory; # remove empty directories in reverse order
# will at least need to redo how the ignore lists are handled for efficiencies sake. for root, dirs, files in os.walk( root_full_path, topdown=False ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
if not options.quiet: for d in dirs:
c.writeflush( "\nChecking " + directory) path = os.path.join( root, d )
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( directory ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
if not options.quiet: if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
c.write( "|Checking " + os.path.relpath( root, directory ) ) # add option of using send2trash
print( "| ignoring " + d )
dirs.remove( d )
print( "| " + d + " was removed." )
except OSError:
# Fails on non-empty directory
print( "|Done." )
for d in dirs: for t in threads:
processed_directory_count += 1 t.join( )
path = join( root, d )
rel_path = os.path.relpath( path, directory )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
# add option of using send2trash
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| ignoring " + rel_path )
dirs.remove( d )
for f in files:
processed_file_count += 1
path = normpath( join( root, f ) )
if path not in files_in_depot:
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| " + f + " is unversioned, removing it." )
os.chmod( path, stat.S_IWRITE )
os.remove( path )
remove_file_count += 1
except OSError as ex:
c.writeflush( "| " + type( ex ).__name__ )
c.writeflush( "| " + repr( ex ) )
c.writeflush( "| ^ERROR^" )
error_count += 1
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "|Done." )
if not options.quiet:
c.write( os.linesep + "Removing empty directories...")
# remove empty directories in reverse order
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( directory, topdown=False ):
ignore_list = get_ignore_list( root, files_to_ignore )
for d in dirs:
processed_directory_count += 1
path = os.path.join( root, d )
rel_path = os.path.relpath( path, directory )
if match_in_ignore_list( path, ignore_list ):
# add option of using send2trash
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| ignoring " + rel_path )
dirs.remove( d )
remove_dir_count += 1
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "| " + rel_path + " was removed." )
except OSError:
# Fails on non-empty directory
if not options.quiet:
c.write( "|Done." )
if not options.quiet:
output = "\nChecked " + str( processed_file_count ) + singular_pulural( processed_file_count, " file, ", " files, " )
output += str( processed_directory_count ) + singular_pulural( processed_directory_count, " directory", " directories")
output += "\nRemoved " + str( remove_file_count ) + singular_pulural( remove_file_count, " file, ", " files, " )
output += str( remove_dir_count ) + singular_pulural( remove_dir_count, " directory", " directories")
if warning_count > 0:
output += " w/ " + str( warning_count ) + singular_pulural( warning_count, " warning", " warnings" )
if error_count > 0:
output += " w/ " + str( error_count ) + singular_pulural( error_count, " error", " errors" )
end = time.time()
delta = end - start
output += "\nFinished in " + str(delta) + "s"
c.write( output )
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
try: try:
main( sys.argv ) main( sys.argv )
except: except:
print( "\nUnexpected error!" ) print( "Unexpected error!" )
traceback.print_exc( file = sys.stdout ) traceback.print_exc( file = sys.stdout )

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# author : Brian Ernst
# python_version : 2.7.6 and 3.4.0
# =================================
from p4Helper import *
import multiprocessing, subprocess, time, traceback
class P4Sync:
def run( self, args ):
start = time.time()
parser = optparse.OptionParser( )
parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=0 )
parser.add_option( "-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", help="Force sync files, even if you already have them.", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="This overrides verbose", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( args )
directory = normpath( if is not None else os.getcwd( ) )
thread_count = int(options.thread_count if options.thread_count > 0 else multiprocessing.cpu_count( ) + options.thread_count)
with Console( auto_flush_time=1 ) as c:
with P4Workspace( directory ):
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( "Syncing files..." )
# in progress, very ugly right now.
cmd = "p4 " + \
( "-vnet.maxwait=60 " if thread_count > 1 else '' ) + \
"-r 100000 sync " + \
('-f ' if options.force else '') + \
("--parallel=threads=" + str(thread_count) + " " if thread_count > 1 else '') + \
os.path.join(directory, "...")
subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True )
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
if not options.quiet:
end = time.time()
delta = end - start
output = " Done. Finished in " + str(delta) + "s"
print( output )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print( "\nUnexpected error!" )
traceback.print_exc( file = sys.stdout )

View File

@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# author : Brian Ernst
# python_version : 2.7.6 and 3.4.0
# =================================
# TODO: setup batches before pushing to threads and use p4 --parallel
from p4Helper import *
import time, traceback
class P4SyncMissing:
def run( self, args ):
start = time.time()
parser = optparse.OptionParser( )
parser.add_option( "-d", "--dir", dest="directory", help="Desired directory to crawl.", default=None )
parser.add_option( "-t", "--threads", dest="thread_count", help="Number of threads to crawl your drive and poll p4.", default=12 )
parser.add_option( "-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", help="This overrides verbose", default=False )
parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False )
( options, args ) = parser.parse_args( args )
directory = normpath( if is not None else os.getcwd( ) )
with Console( auto_flush_time=1 ) as c:
with P4Workspace( directory ):
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( "Retreiving missing files..." )
c.writeflush( " Setting up threads..." )
# Setup threading
WRK = enum( 'SHUTDOWN', 'SYNC' )
def shutdown( data ):
return False
def sync( files ):
files_len = len(files)
files_flat = ' '.join('"' + p4FriendlyPath( f ) + '"' for f in files)
if options.verbose:
files_len = len(files)
if files_len > 1:
c.write( " Syncing batch of " + str(len(files)) + " ...")
for f in files:
c.write( " " + os.path.relpath( f, directory ) )
for f in files:
c.write( " Syncing " + os.path.relpath( f, directory ) + " ..." )
ret = -1
count = 0
while ret != 0 and count < 2:
ret = try_call_process( "p4 sync -f " + files_flat )
count += 1
if ret != 0 and not options.quiet:
c.write("Failed, trying again to sync " + files_flat)
if ret != 0:
if not options.quiet:
c.write("Failed to sync " + files_flat)
if not options.quiet:
files_len = len(files)
if files_len > 1:
c.write( " Synced batch of " + str(len(files)) )
for f in files:
c.write( " Synced " + os.path.relpath( f, directory ) )
return True
commands = {
WRK.SHUTDOWN : shutdown,
WRK.SYNC : sync
threads = [ ]
thread_count = options.thread_count if options.thread_count > 0 else multiprocessing.cpu_count( ) + options.thread_count
count = 0
total = 0
self.queue = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue( )
for i in range( thread_count ):
t = Worker( c, self.queue, commands )
t.daemon = True
threads.append( t )
t.start( )
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( " Done." )
make_drive_upper = True if == 'nt' or sys.platform == 'cygwin' else False
command = "p4 fstat ..."
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( " Checking files in depot, this may take some time for large depots..." )
proc = subprocess.Popen( command.split( ), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=directory )
clientFile_tag = "... clientFile "
headAction_tag = "... headAction "
headType_tag = "... headType "
accepted_actions = [ 'add', 'edit', 'branch', 'move/add', 'move\\add', 'integrate', 'import', 'archive' ] #currently not checked
rejected_actions = [ 'delete', 'move/delete', 'move\\delete', 'purge' ]
file_type_binary = 'binary+l'
file_type_text = 'text'
client_file = None
file_action = None
file_type = None
file_type_last = None
# todo: use fewer threads, increase bucket size and use p4 threading
class Bucket:
def __init__(self, limit):
self.queue = []
self.queue_size = 0
self.queue_limit = limit
def append(self,obj):
self.queue_size += 1
def is_full(self):
return self.queue_size >= self.queue_limit
self.buckets = {}
self.buckets[file_type_text] = Bucket(10)
self.buckets[file_type_binary] = Bucket(2)
def push_queued(bucket):
if bucket.queue_size == 0:
if options.verbose:
for f in bucket.queue:
c.write( " Checking " + os.path.relpath( f, directory ) )
self.queue.put( ( WRK.SYNC, bucket.queue ) )
bucket.queue = []
bucket.queue_size = 0
for line in proc.stdout:
line = get_str_from_process_stdout( line )
#push work when finding out type
if client_file and file_action is not None and line.startswith( headType_tag ):
file_type = normpath( line[ len( headType_tag ) : ].strip( ) )
if file_type == file_type_text:
count += 1
#check sizes and push
for b in self.buckets.values():
if b.is_full():
elif client_file and line.startswith( headAction_tag ):
file_action = normpath( line[ len( headAction_tag ) : ].strip( ) )
if any(file_action == a for a in rejected_actions):
file_action = None
total += 1
if os.path.exists( client_file ):
file_action = None
elif line.startswith( clientFile_tag ):
client_file = line[ len( clientFile_tag ) : ].strip( )
if make_drive_upper:
drive, path = splitdrive( client_file )
client_file = ''.join( [ drive.upper( ), path ] )
elif len(line.rstrip()) == 0:
client_file = None
for b in self.buckets.values():
proc.wait( )
for line in proc.stderr:
if "no such file" in line:
#raise Exception(line)
c.write(line)#log as error
if not options.quiet:
c.writeflush( " Done. Checked " + str(total) + " file(s)." )
c.writeflush( " Queued " + str(count) + " file(s), now waiting for threads..." )
for i in range( thread_count ):
self.queue.put( ( WRK.SHUTDOWN, None ) )
for t in threads:
t.join( )
if not options.quiet:
print( " Done." )
if not options.quiet:
end = time.time()
delta = end - start
output = " Done. Finished in " + str(delta) + "s"
print( output )
if __name__ == "__main__":
print( "\nUnexpected error!" )
traceback.print_exc( file = sys.stdout )