
16 lines
822 B

Version 1.8:
* Custom sound for ding https://github.com/thecoderok/vsdingextension/issues/5
* Use different sound when tests failed https://github.com/thecoderok/vsdingextension/issues/7
* Add option to only notify on failed tests (thanks to https://github.com/sboulema for contribution!)
Version 1.6:
* Fixed compatibility issues with Visual Studio 2012
Version 1.5:
* Added Task bar notifications. (https://github.com/thecoderok/vsdingextension/issues/1)
It can be disabled in Tools->Options->Ding->Show tray notifications
Version 1.4:
* Added options dialog (Tools->Options->Ding). Now it is possible to enable/disable what sounds to play. Thanks to https://github.com/dannoh
* Added option to play sounds only if Visual Studio in background. Thanks to https://github.com/dannoh
* Support for Visual studio 2015