This plugin adds support for displaying pingbacks, toggling the display of pingbacks. I'm not yet sure how pingbacks work, so this may not include support for adding new pingbacks; if it won't take too much work I'll add more support for them. Also added support for user entered URLs.
The comment form will appear on the blog post items matching the enabled routes.
To set the enabled routes, create a `user/config/plugins/comments.yaml` file, copy in it the contents of `user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml` and edit the `enable_on_routes` and `disable_on_routes` options according to your needs.
The plugin comes with Recaptcha integration. To make it work, create a `user/config/plugins/comments.yaml` file, copy in it the contents of `user/plugins/comments/comments.yaml` and uncomment the captcha form field and the captcha validation process.
In the `user/data/comments` folder. They're organized by page route, so every page with a comment has a corresponding file. This enables a quick load of all the page comments.
When the plugin is installed and enabled, the `Comments` menu will appear in the Admin Plugin. From there you can see all the comments made in the last 7 days.
Further improvements to the comments visualization will be added in the next releases.
The plugin interacts with the Email plugin to send emails upon receiving a comment. Configure the Email plugin correctly, setting its "Email from" and "Email to" email addresses.